August 12, 2007

Book #3 (Ice Bound)

A touching tale of a doctor's incredible battle for survival at the south pole. When I read the back cover of this book I really didn't think it was going to be the type of book that captured my attention. However, on Amber's advice, it was put on my book list to read. I remember a few years back watching the Discovery Channel's reenactment of this story and this is what first got me interested in the icy continent. I don't want to get too sappy but by the end of the story I did have a few tears drop from my eye.

Ice Bound is an inspirational story about Dr. Jerri Nielsen and the heroic early season evacuation from the south pole. Dr. Nielsen was diagnosed with breast cancer shortly after the south pole station closed for the winter. While the station is closed there were still about 40 crew members that stay through the winter to keep things running until planes could land again in October. In mid winter (July) temperatures at the south pole reach below -100F in the eternal darkness. Most machines can not operate at this temperature because hydraulic lines break and fuel turns to jello making an evacuation impossible.

A good portion of the book contains copies of emails sent to and from Dr. Nielsen capturing the "true" mood of the events that took place. Having lost my Mom to breast cancer, this book had a little more meaning to it than the others I have read and I could better grasp the fearful emotions. This book is a must read for any adventurer whether it be moving to the south pole or helping a loved one with an illness. The book starts off a little slow but once you reach the half way point you will feel that you are right there trying to survive with Dr. Nielsen.

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