June 29, 2007

A Trip To DHMC

Today I made my way over to DHMC to start the PQ process. I have to say I thought it was going to be a lot worst. They did all the normal things like "read the bottom line, follow the light with your eyes, height, weight..." After all the normal things were done, I got to start the fun tests. For those of you who don't know, I really don't like needles and today was filled with them. It's been 9 years since my last tetanus shot so we started with that before they sent me "down stairs" to have four vials of blood drawn. Typically when I go to APD (the other local hospital where Stryker typically sends us) it takes them a few tries to get three vials of blood. I wasn't sure this was going to be easy, but moments later I was walking away and I didn't even get light headed (yeah). I then was sent "next door" to have my first EKG. I have to say that was really cool. They stuck about 9 little patches all over my body including legs and arms and hooked them up to the machine. I felt like some horrible science experiment. However ten seconds later they were plucking the wires off and I was ready to go. I don't think I have ever had such a complete physical but it's nice having a clean bill of health. Because of the weekend, I'll have to go back again tomorrow to start the TB test. I have to do this for Stryker every two years. If you haven't had one done before, they put a lump of TB solution under your skin (yup with another needle) and then check in 48-72hrs to see if the lump is gone. I just had this done a year ago so I should be clear to go. Next week I have my dental exam and then I'll be done with the PQ process, I hope.

This summer I won't be updating my blog much, but I just ordered a few books about Antarctica and hope to post short book talks about them. I'm getting very excited and I'm sure the next few months will go quickly. For other good news, my house is under contract so with the closing in August, I'll be ready to head south. I'll try to make a posting with the "lump" under my skin over the weekend.