November 28, 2008
Where Did Turkey Day Go?
November 17, 2008
Penguins and Evan's and More
Boon·dog·gle a wasteful or impractical project or activity. This past Saturday night I went on a Boondoggle out to the ice caves and Cape Evans. At 6:15pm we loaded up the Deltas and headed out. The route we take to the ice caves takes about 1hr by way of a sea ice road. Just like it sounds this is a road built on about 2 meters (~6 feet) of frozen ocean. Last year I would travel this route frequently for profiling cracks for the sea ice report and for bringing fuel to the research camps. This year I only get to travel the road once and that was for my boondoggle. I should also back up a moment and explain that to get on this trip I had to stand in line for 1.5hrs to get my name on the list. So, after about an hour of driving we arrived at the tip of the Erebus Glacier Tongue (EGT) where the ice caves were found. Since they are made of moving ice, they are constantly changing. At some point I would like to write up a quick article for the Vermont Caver's Association on this trip.
Work is going well and the weather has been great. On Sunday I made it out for a few hours to help with the annual trail crew day. There's nothing like shoveling a trail in Antarctica to make you feel old. The nice part is it took me back to my days of being a GA. Another GA from last year was on my trail crew and we ended up spending 15 minutes having a contest who could trundle large blocks of snow down Ob Hill the furthest.
The last point to make will be on my travel plans after the ice. They have already changed a bunch of times but here is the current plan... NZ-Australia-Vanuatu-Australia-Tonga-Samoa-NZ-Home. This sounds like an extravagant trip, but I've found tickets for about $1000usd. I've also looked into the costs of lodging, food, and extracurricular activities. Should be fun, but we'll see how many more times it will change before Feb.
Cheers, Skippy